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How to make a Freedom of Information request

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 allows you to access, to the greatest extent possible, information held by the Department. It gives you the right to have your personal data corrected or updated and to get reasons for decisions taken by the Department that affect you.

When you make a request you must:

  • Submit the request in writing or by email. Be clear enough so that we understand what records are being requested. In cases where we cannot understand what records are being requested, we will help you to identify the records you want.
  • State in your letter that the request is being made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
  • Send your request to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Department of Foreign Affairs
76/78 Harcourt Street
Dublin 2
D02 DX45
Tel: 01 408 2077
Email: foi@dfa.ie