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Minister Coveney launches special edition of the Palestine Israel Journal

Speaking after the launch, Minister Coveney said:

"I am delighted to have been able support this publication.

"It is part of the important ongoing work of exploring how the experiences of Northern Ireland might be relevant to the Middle East Peace Process.

"I am reluctant to draw direct parallels between the situation in Northern Ireland and the Middle East Peace Process, but we in Ireland have achieved a lot and there are experiences worth sharing. 

"I was struck at the launch by how much interest there is, from Israelis and Palestinians, in Northern Ireland.

The Journal covers such issues are the role of international cooperation in supporting peace in Northern Ireland, the important role of civil society and the need for political will on all sides to make peace possible.

"Contributions also underline that the work of building peace and building trust is ongoing, long-term work.

"My Department continues to support peace building organisations who wish to look at and learn from Northern Ireland".

The Palestine-Israel Journal (http://www.pij.org/) is a not for profit quarterly publication, based in Jerusalem.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provided practical and financial support to the publication of this special edition.



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