Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU: Saint Patrick's Day 2021
11 March 2021
About this Event
On the occasion of St. Patrick’s Day, H.E. Mr. Tom Hanney, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU, H.E. Ms. Maeve Collins, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU, and H.E. Mr. Noel White, Representative to the Political & Security Committee of the EU, request the pleasure of your company at a virtual reception to celebrate Ireland’s National Day on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 13:00.
At Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the EU, our staff continue to work for the most part from home and observe the measures in place to defeat the virus, as I know is the case with all of you as well. As it is therefore not possible to host a physical Saint Patrick’s Day reception this year, we mark our national day virtually on this occasion and we hope you will be able to join us.
The reception will feature remarks from An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, and H.E. Mr. Tom Hanney, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU, as well as a selection of short Irish cultural performances.
Further event details, including how to register for the event, are available here.
The event will be broadcast at
If you are unable to join us for the live stream, you can watch the event back at until Wednesday 24th March.
Buanionadaíocht na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach: Lá Fhéile Pádraig 2021
Faoin Ócáid Seo
Ar ócáid Lá Fhéile Pádraig, tugann a Shoilse Tom Hanney, Buanionadaí na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach, a Soilse Maeve Collins, Leas-Bhuanionadaí na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach, agus a Shoilse Noel White, Ionadaí go dtí an Coiste Polaitiúil agus Slándála, cuireadh duit a bheith inár dteannta ag fáiltiú fíorúil chun lá Náisiúnta na hÉireann a cheiliúradh Dé Ceadaoin 17ú Márta 2021 ag 13:00.
Ag Buanionadaíocht na hÉireann, tá ár bhfoireann ag obair ón mbaile den chuid is mó agus ag cloí leis na srianta i bhfeidhm chun smacht a chur ar an víreas, mar atá gach uile duine faoi láthair. Mar sin, agus mar gheall nach féidir linn fáiltiú fisiciúil Lá Fhéile Pádraig a chur i láthair i mbliana, tá muid ag ceiliúradh ár lá Náisiúnta go fíorúil agus tá súil againn go mbeidh tú inár gcuideachta.
Beidh ráitis ón Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, T.D. agus a Shoilse Tom Hanney, Buanionadaí na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach, chomh maith le rogha de léirithe gearra Éireannacha.
Tá tuilleadh sonraí faoin ócáid, conas clárú san áireamh, ar fáil anseo.
Craolfar an ócáid ag
Muna mbeidh tú linn don chraoladh beo, is féidir féachaint siar ar an ócáid ag go dtí Dé Ceadaoin, 24ú Márta.