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Immigration Reform

Resolving the status of undocumented Irish migrants and future legal migration between Ireland and the United States are high priorities for the Irish Government and many in the wider Irish-American community.

The issue of U.S. immigration reform is a very high priority for the Irish Government. Both directly and through the Embassy, the Taoiseach and Tánaiste have maintained contact with many key figures in the U.S. Government and Congress as exchanges have unfolded.

Ireland’s interest in U.S. immigration reform reflects the exceptionally strong historical and contemporary connection between Ireland and the U.S.  There is deep concern about the position of the estimated 50,000 currently undocumented Irish immigrants here. There is also a pressing concern to create a facility for future legal migration that would adequately reflect the closeness of the relationship between the two countries. Resolving the status of the undocumented Irish and future legal migration are also issues that continue to unite and mobilise many in the wider Irish-American community.

The Government, Oireachtas, the Embassy and Consulates General will continue working with Irish American lobby groups and others who seek to make U.S. immigration reform a reality.

Ministers Welcome Steps on U.S. Immigration Reform - November 21, 2014

Eamon Gilmore in Washington to discuss undocumented Irish - June 18, 2014

Address by An Taoiseach to Irish Community Reception at United Irish Cultural Centre, San Francisco - Wednesday June 4, 2014

On November 20, President Obama announced certain new measures in relation to U.S. immigration policy. Details can be found on the White House website and on that of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. If you or your families have queries on these new measures, please contact one of the U.S.-based Irish immigration centres that are supported by the Government’s Emigrant Support Programme. A list of these centres and their contact details is also available.