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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Uganda website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/kampala.

Visiting Ireland?

Ireland remains a popular tourist location with 7.6 million overseas tourist visits in 2014. It is one of the fastest growing sectors within the Irish economy, which is estimated to be worth almost €4 billion each year.

Photo Credit: Tourism Ireland

Ireland's main tourist attractions include its rich cultural heritage, scenery, friendly people and relaxed way of life. It is also a popular location for sporting enthusiasts with numerous golf courses, plus fishing, cycling, riding, water sports and other activities.

Tourism Ireland promotes Irish tourism through large scale publicity campaigns and targeted market interventions.  Their “Global Greening” campaign sees landmarks around the world lit up green for St Patrick’s Day each year, from the Sydney Opera House to the Great Wall of China to the Pyramids and Great Sphinx of Egypt.

The following links can provide you with more information on Ireland as a tourist destination: