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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Spain website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/madrid.

Honorary Consulate Mallorca

The Honorary Consulate General in Palma de Mallorca covers the Balearic Islands.

Pedro Pablo Marrero Fuster                  
Honorary Consul of Ireland
C/San Miguel, 68 A-7°/8°
07002 Palma de Mallorca
Phone: +34 971 719244
Fax: +34 971 718229
Email: mallorca@honoraryconsul.ie



Consulate Opening hours: 10am-2pm (Monday - Friday).

Closure dates of the Embassy and Honorary Consulates

If you require emergency assistance outside of these hours, please phone the Embassy on: +34914364093. You may be asked to leave a message on the emergency answering service. The answering machine is monitored regularly, and the Duty Officer at the Embassy will contact you as soon as possible.

Local English speaking Contacts:


Hospital Universitario Son Espases; Tel: 871205000
Hospital Son Llàtzer; Tel: 871 20 20 00
Clinica Juaneda (Private); Tel: 971 731647 

Funeral Director:

Montse Martí
Tel/Fax: 971713849
Address: C\ Pere Dezcallar i Net Nº11 Local 7, 07003 Palma de Mallorca
Email: info@short-repatriations.com

Hospital Can Misses; Tel: 971 397000

Lawyers in Mallorca

Lawyers in Ibiza

Lawyers in Menorca