Irish Tillage and Land Use Society (ITLUS) visit to Romania
25 June 2018
Ambassador Derek Feely hosted a welcoming reception at the official Residence on 25 June 2018 for the members of the Irish Tillage and Land Use Society (ITLUS) who were on a study visit to Romania. The purpose of the ITLUS visit was to learn about farming practices in Romania and to share Ireland's knowledge and experience, with a view to possible future collaborations and business opportunities.
The visit programme was organised by Avalon, a local Irish consultancy in Romania, with support from the Embassy's Commercial Attaché. The reception was attended by the State Secretary from the Agriculture Ministry, Mr Alexandru Potor, and local Irish people and Romanians connected with the Romanian agricultural sector as well as representatives of the Romania Ireland Business Association. Ambassador Feely spoke about the importance of the agricultural sector in Ireland, the huge expertise and experience Ireland could bring to foreign partners and the huge potential of the Romanian agricultural sector.
The State Secretary welcomed the Irish delegation and noted that its size (almost 40 members) showed clearly that Romania and Romanian agriculture and the actions and initiatives of the Ministry were well perceived abroad. Mr Hugh Beirne of Avalon made a presentation on the Romanian agriculture sector.