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Request for Tenders Consultancy Services Support for an Evaluation of Our Shared Interest- Ireland Kenya Agri-Food Strategy 2017 – 2021

The Embassy of Ireland, Nairobi seeks professional consultancy services to support an evaluation of its IRELAND-KENYA AGRI-FOOD STRATEGY 2017 – 2021. The strategy represents our engagement in Kenya for the past five years and highlights opportunities that exist between Ireland and Kenya in the area of agriculture, fisheries and food production.

The Consultant(s)

The selected Consultant(s) will need  to demonstrate, through evidence, the skills and experience necessary to complete the evaluation. This will include:

1.1  Extensive experience in the design and production of  complex, multi-faceted evaluation processes that are iterative, consultative and driven by recognised best practice

1.2  The ability to effectively manage high quality evaluative processes providing independent and evidence-based analysis, and communicating any adjustments to the evaluation plan as may be deemed necessary and/or appropriate

1.3  Skilled in conducting both desk-based literature reviews as well as the principled collection of  qualitative and quantitative data in order to formulate analyses and findings that are relevant, accessible and informed by the political, technical and programmatic context

1.4  Provide concise, high quality, evidence-based and informed recommendations that ensure adequate consultation, triangulation and feedback from key stakeholders.

1.5  Bring in-depth knowledge of the Kenyan context, particularly in the agri-food sector to meaningfully inform the evaluation design and overall process.

Please note that consultants will be incorporating all stakeholder feedback throughout the iterative drafting process.

The consultant(s) should have excellent interpersonal, professional and management skills with the ability to incorporate feedback and guidance from the evaluation team. Tenderers must be of exceptional professional calibre, possessing discretion, cross-cultural communication and political sensitivity.


For a consultant’s submission to be considered, it is mandatory that they have significant relevant expertise or knowledge in the following areas:

    • A minimum of ten years’ senior level experience in leading evaluations of complex donor portfolios and programmes, particularly in Kenya;
    • A minimum of five years’ experience monitoring political and development activities, and making recommendations related to international development and diplomatic services;
    • Extensive knowledge and hands-on experience within the agri-food sector in Kenya; with demonstrative understanding of food systems and sustainability
    • Knowledge of institutional partnerships including PPPs
    •  Practical experience working on gender equality and climate resilience in relation to sustainable food systems in Kenya
    • Postgraduate education (Master’s degree or above) and background in international development, business administration, economics, social science, international relations or closely related area with a demonstrated understanding of donor and government structures, institutions and financing.

Failure in any one of these critical requirements may lead to elimination from the competition in advance of further evaluation.

14.1      Assessment

Interested persons/organisations are invited to submit a proposal containing the below requirements, including the contact details of two referees. Proposals will also be accepted from a single tender e.g. company or an entity acting as a network. All proposals must adhere to the page limits specified:

  • Maximum two page contextual analysis of Kenya, including the economic and political context and the agri-food sector
  • Maximum one page statement of the consultant(s) suitability and related experience to undertake the assignment (against the selection criteria)
  • Maximum three page statement of how the consultant(s) can deliver against this Terms of Reference and any particular challenges they foresee for the successful implementation of the evaluation
  • Maximum one page summary of innovative methodologies/appropriate methodological approach the consultant(s) foresees to answer the evaluation questions.
  • Two page Curriculum Vitae per consultant;
  • One page list of publications for which the consultant(s) were either the first author or lead evaluator (each with open source access hyperlinks). Please include the specific role and contribution of the consultant(s) in relation to the listed evaluation, review or research

Contact details of two previous professional references with whom the consultant(s) have delivered similar services (within the past five years). Please include the name, email, phone number, position and organisation as well as the nature of the working relationship

DFA reserves the right to contact the referees provided as part of the application

Submissions should be emailed to procurement.nairobiemb@dfa.ie and be received no later than Thursday, 11November 2021. The closing date for receipt of clarification questions will be 05 November 2021.

Late tenders will not be accepted.

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Request for Tenders Consultancy Services Support for an Evaluation of Our Shared Interest- Ireland Kenya Agri-Food Strategy 2017 – 2021