Irish Events Spring/ Summer '23
28 April 2023
30 April - Bealtaine, Café Pointa, 3:30PM
The eve of the ancient Irish festival of Bealtaine, a family fun day for children of all ages in Cafe Pointa, Na Valech 2 Praha 6 (opposite the Israeli and Spanish embassies). The activities on offer will involve participation in various artistic disciplines and include a contrast of ancient Czech and Irish traditions celebrating this time of year and will run from 15.30 to 18.00.
3 May – CIBCA May meetup, McCarthy’s Irish Pub, 6:30PM
Join us for drinks and food on May 3rd. CIBCA Members and friends of the Irish community in the Czech Republic are all welcome to join us at McCarthy's Irish pub, Rytířská 10 Prague 1. Find out about upcoming events and meet the community! Sponsorship organized by Victor Corcoran with Fortuna. Register here.
4 May - Dr Aidan O’Malley guest lecture, Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, 12:30PM
The Centre for Irish Studies is pleased to invite everyone interested to a guest lecture by Dr Aidan O’Malley on "Field Day and its Critical Legacy". The lecture will take place on 4 May 2023 at 12:30 in Room 001 (main building of the Faculty of Arts). Dr Aidan O’Malley is Associate Professor at the Department of English, University of Rijeka, Croatia. He received his Ph.D. from the European University Institute, Florence, and is the author of two books: Field Day and the Translation of Irish Identities: Performing Contradictions (2011), and (in Croatian) Being Irish in English: Literature, Language and the (Post-) Colonial Experience in Ireland, 1600-2000 (2021). Besides numerous chapters and articles on Irish literature, he has also edited with Eve Patten the volume, Ireland, West to East, Irish Cultural Connections with Central and Eastern Europe (2014).
5 May – Europe Day, Střelecký ostrov, 1PM
Join us on May 5th on Střelecký Island in Prague for the Europe Day festival. From 1PM to 6PM there will be plenty of activities for young and old, as well as for the whole family. Tastings of traditional European delicacies at embassy information stands, quizzes, competitions, workshops, talks about travel, study options, etc.
6 May - Commemoration of the defence of Prague
Commemoration the the defence of Prague in May 1757 by Irish Field Marshall Ulysses Maximilian Browne from the Prussian king, Frederik the Great. There will be a walk (about a kilometre or so) from the Zámek in Veleslavín where Frederik was lodged along the very pathway he took to Břevnov monastery where he had quartered his cavalry. Midway we will lunch at the Větrník windmill (which was built in 1720) to receive a presentation of Frederik’s battle plans and will complete the walk at the monastery where the monks still brew an excellent beer! On the following day we will venture to the main battlefield across the Vltava at Štěrboholy where Browne lured the Prussians on to a marshy swamp while the Austrian artillery bombarded the invaders.
16 May – Conamara Chaos concert, Vagon klub, 9:00PM
Come and see Conamara Chaos on May 16 at Vagon - a great opportunity not only to listen to Irish music, but also to dance.
22-27 May – Fringe Festival, Prague
A heady mix of theatre, comedy, music, dance, storytelling and good times at venues across the Malá Strana district of Prague - the annual Fringe Festival extravaganza is an experience you will never forget. Come and see the two Irish performances – Hero/Banloach from the Octopus Soup Theatre and the Death of Me from the Acting Out group. More information and tickets available on the festival website.