Working Holiday Agreement
08 September 2023
Working Holiday Agreement
Ireland has a Working Holiday Agreement with Chile, which allows 200 young Chileans annually to take extended holidays in Ireland for up to a year, and to take employment as an incidental aspect of this stay. The aim of the scheme is to allow young Chileans to work and study English or Irish; and to introduce them to the people, culture and landscape of Ireland. Participants will have one year from date of issue of the authorisation to enter Ireland.
There will be 200 places on the Programme (divided in two rounds of 100). The age limit for this year’s process is 30 years old.
Applications for the second round of 100 letters for the Working Holiday Programme 2023 will open at 9 a.m. on 22 September 2023.
Queries will not be answered by phone.
Please read the Guidelines and FAQs
The working holiday permission may be issued to Chilean citizens who meet the following requirements at the time of submitting the application:
- They are Chilean citizens and holders of a valid Chilean passport;
- They are aged between 18 and 30, both inclusive;
- They are issued to Chilean citizens ordinarily residing in Chile;
- They are not travelling accompanied by dependent family members, unless they have their own visa;
- They have not previously taken part in the Programme;
- They have no criminal records;
- They have sufficient funds for their maintenance during the initial period of their stay; have a return ticket to their home country or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket (€1,500 with ticket, €3,000 without). They may be asked to provide proof of funds upon entry to Ireland
- They hold medical and accident insurance including hospitalization and repatriation for the duration of their stay;
- They pay the consular fees of the relevant visa.
In order to submit your application to a working holiday authorisation, you should send one email saying that you are interested in participating in the WHA 2023 Programme after 9am on the 22 of September 2023 to IRISHWHCHILE@VFSGLOBAL.COM.
The first 100 emails received will be assigned an appointment to apply for the Working Holiday Programme.
Applicants are reminded that, upon obtaining a Working Holiday Permission, they will be authorized to stay in Ireland for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, non-renewable. They may leave and re-enter Ireland and work, provided it is not a permanent job. They may also study or train during their stay.
Abusive messages or phone calls will be disqualifying.