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Emigrant Support Programme 2014 grant round is now open

Our Emigrant Support Programme (ESP) supports Irish communities overseas by funding non-profit organisations and projects. This allows us to develop more strategic links with the global Irish and to support frontline welfare services that help the most vulnerable members of our overseas communities.


Community support: The Emigrant Support Programme (ESP) supports cultural, community and heritage projects that foster a vibrant sense of Irish community and identity.

Frontline services: In particular, the programme supports organisations that deliver frontline advisory services and community care to Irish emigrants, including the more vulnerable and marginalised members of our community abroad, such as the elderly and newly-arrived Irish emigrants.

Capital projects: In recent years, the programme has also funded capital projects that ensure the long-term future of Irish communities.

Am I eligible?

We’re particularly interested in supporting projects in these areas:

  • Front-line advice, counselling and support services
  • Elderly or homeless Irish emigrants
  • Irish people affected by physical or mental illness, or with substance misuse problems or HIV/AIDS
  • The Irish Traveller community
  • Access to training, employment or housing for Irish emigrants
  • Heritage and community activities that promote Ireland’s identity and maintain vibrant Irish communities abroad
  • Research projects that add to the existing knowledge about Irish emigrant communities
  • Fostering greater links between Ireland and the global Irish

How to Apply: Grant applications can be made via the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Website. More information and application forms.

The deadline for applications is the 19 February 2014.