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Lost or Stolen Passports

With a view to preventing identity theft and the circulation of falsified passports, there are additional safeguards for the passport application procedure for those adults seeking to replace a lost or stolen passport. Adult applicants in this category are required to submit the following additional evidence in support of their passport application:

  • A completed and suitably witnessed passport application form and four photographs, (two of which must have the application form number written on the reverse and be signed by an approved witness). You should complete Section 6 of the form, explaining how your previous passport was lost, stolen or damaged, and have this section witnessed by your application witness;
  • The Passport Service reserves the right to contact witnesses as required. Passport applicants should therefore note that where it is not possible to make contact with those witnessing applications, then it is likely that the application will be rejected.
  • The long form birth certificate of the applicant and a civil marriage certificate, if appropriate, and evidence of entitlement to Irish citizenship, where applicable;
  • Additional form of photo-identification; e.g. certified copy of a drivers licence, work ID; student card; social club membership; passport from other country etc.;
  • Documentary evidence to show use of name, e.g. payslips; records of unemployment or disability payment; bank statement; college registration etc.; and
  • Evidence of residency at the application address, e.g. utility bills; official correspondence from public or private sector etc.
  • Police report

The above-mentioned should be submitted in original format.

In addition, applicants may also be required to provide further information and/or attend for interview at one of the Department's offices.

It should be noted that it will not be possible to expedite any application in these categories.

If you lose two or more passports, the period of validity for your next passport may be restricted. 


Do not, under any circumstances, try to travel on a passport that has been reported as lost or stolen.