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The Government of Ireland funds the Citizens Information Board which is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on a broad range of public and social services. The Citizens Information Board also provides the Citizens Information website, www.citizensinformation.ie, and supports the network of Citizens Information Centres and the Citizens Information Phone Service. It also funds and supports the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) which is a money advice service, guiding people through dealing with problem debt.

The Citizens Information website, along with the network of Citizens Information centres can provide advice and support online and in person to those seeking to return to Ireland. Their resources on information provided for returning emigrants cover areas such as financial issues, residency, education as well as navigating social welfare services.

Citizens Information logo. Support for those Returning to Ireland

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection also has a dedicated section for those moving to Ireland which is of assistance to returning emigrants. The website has information on supports and entitlements and will help you navigate the social welfare system in Ireland.

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Support for those Returning to Ireland

The Revenue Commissioners also offers a guide to the tax system in Ireland and has resources on getting set up to pay tax and to access Revenue services and supports.

Revenue Commissioners. Support for those Returning to Ireland

Through the Emigrant Support Programme, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade funds organisations in Ireland that offer tailored advice and supports for Irish citizens and others seeking to move to Ireland. The organisations are:

  • Crosscare Migrant Project
  • Safe Home Ireland

Emigrant Support for those returning to Ireland

Crosscare Migrant Project provides information and advocacy support to Irish emigrants returning to Ireland from abroad, Irish people emigrating from Ireland, and immigrants living in Ireland. They have been working with Irish emigrants since the 1980s and are one of the projects of Crosscare.

For returning Irish emigrants Crosscare Migrant Project provide general information about moving back to Ireland, as well as specialised assistance with social welfare applications and appeals, social housing applications, medical cards and other statutory supports.

For Irish people leaving Ireland, Crosscare Migrant also offer general information along with sign-posting services to Irish groups around the world. For immigrants in Ireland they advise on the Irish immigration system and assist with residency applications. For more information on the work of Crosscare Migrant Project and to access more resources you can check out www.migrantproject.ie.

The Migrant Project Box. Support for those returning to Ireland

Safe Home Ireland provides an information, advice and advocacy service to anyone (regardless of age or circumstances) who may be contemplating returning or moving to Ireland. Safe Home Ireland also assist qualifying older Irish born emigrants to return to secure accommodation back in Ireland. View their qualifying criteria.

Safe Home Ireland can provide a national outreach and advocacy service to people who have returned home who need assistance and also signposting them on to other relevant support agencies that may be of assistance. 

Safe Home Ireland can be contacted at www.safehomeireland.com.

Safe Home Ireland Emigrant Support Service. Support for those Returning to Ireland


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Back for Business Programme
Back for Business is a pilot initiative launched in November 2017 by Minister for the Diaspora Ciaran Cannon to foster and support entrepreneurial activity among emigrants returning or recently returned to live in Ireland.

Research has shown that Irish people who have lived abroad are more likely to be entrepreneurial. The Back for Business Programme seeks to address the challenges that all early stage entrepreneurs face with a particular focus on the additional barriers and challenges faced by those who have been out of the country for some time. This can often result in their local knowledge, contact base and professional and personal networks being less developed than those of typical entrepreneurs. Back for Business aims to bridge this gap.

45 returning emigrants are currently taking part in the initial pilot cycle of the programme and more information can be found on the Back for Business website.

Back for Business Programme