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Applications Open for Human Rights and Democratisation Project Fund

Applications are now open for a new Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) project-based funding scheme offered by Ireland in Palestine.

The promotion and protection of human rights forms an integral part of Irish engagement and advocacy, primarily in the form of direct support to civil society organisations. Ireland has developed and expanded over time an extensive programme of support for civil society organisations. This new funding track allows human rights NGOs not currently in receipt of funding to apply for support for projects in three key priority areas.

In 2021 projects under this new pilot scheme should aim to address at least one of the following priority areas:

1) Empower Palestinian Civil Society Organisations to monitor education development, and participate in policy discussions on education. Active involvement of civil society organisations in education is crucial to ensure effectiveness of the education system and increase accountability;

2) Use of innovative approaches (e.g. utilising multimedia in social media campaigns) to increase inclusive engagement in the democratic process in the oPt;

3) Use of innovative approaches (e.g. utilising multimedia in social media campaigns) to advance topical policy issues related to gender equality, women’s empowerment or combatting gender-based violence.

Interested Civil Society Organisations can download the HRD Project Fund Call for Proposals 2021 and can request an application form by emailing rorprogramme@dfa.ie

The deadline for submission is Wednesday, 31 March 2021.


Ireland’s Support to the Promotion of Human Rights and Accountability

The promotion and protection of human rights is a basic objective of Irish foreign policy. A Better World: Ireland’s Policy for International Development, attaches particular priority to the protection of civil society space. In the particular context of the oPt, respect for human rights and the rule of law, accountability and transparency can also serve to facilitate peace and stability, contribute to better and more open governance and help to strengthen the democratic practices.

The human rights situation in the oPt is characterised by systematic, widespread and grave violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The promotion and protection of human rights and support for a robust human rights form an integral part of Irish engagement and advocacy, primarily in the form of direct support to civil society organisations.

Civil society plays an indispensable role in promoting and protecting human rights, promoting good governance and building peaceful and democratic societies.

Through the Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) Scheme Ireland has provided core budgetary assistance to empower civil society organisations to monitor and document human rights abuses, work with victims towards redress, support the establishment of fair, independent and responsive accountability mechanisms and to engage in policy and reform dialogue with duty bearers.

Ireland is now offering project-based funding through this additional Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) Scheme to support organisations working in key priority areas. The priorities and criteria for grant awards are set out in the application documents.

