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Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE)

The Embassy of Ireland is calling for concept notes from Vietnamese Universities and Research Institutes to foster educational co-operation between Ireland and Vietnam.

To further develop the evolving education and research links between Ireland and Vietnam, Irish Aid, through the Irish Embassy in Hanoi, is launching the Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) under the Irish Development Experience and Sharing (IDEAS) programme to encourage co-operation between universities and research institutions in Vietnam and Ireland. This will operate on a pilot basis in 2015/16 and, if successful, will be continued in the next Irish Aid Vietnam Programme for the period 2017-2020.

The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to Vietnam’s socio-economic development priorities by encouraging mutually beneficial links between the two countries, with particular reference to third-level education and research cooperation.

The specific objective is to act as a catalyst to encourage and deepen third-level education and research links by supporting initiation of a number of new linkages between Irish and Vietnamese education and research institutions. In the pilot year, the intention is to develop between three and five new relationships.

Irish Aid is now inviting concept notes for the 2015/2016 Funding Round.
The deadline for receipt of concept notes is 12.00 Monday 14th September, 2015.

Full details available in the following PDF documents:

Concept Note Format

Full Proposal Form
