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2015 News & Events

December 2015

A Christmas Message

21 December 2015

A Christmas and New Year's Message from President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins

November 2015

Call for proposals Promotion of Ireland projects 2015

25 November 2015

The Embassy of Ireland is currently recruiting a consulting partner to implement visibility projects with a view to promoting Ireland and education in Ireland.


5 November 2015

The Embassy of Ireland is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2016-2017 Irish Aid IDEAS Scholarships programmes

August 2015

Call for Proposals Technical Assistance for Irish Aid Civil Society Support Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR

6 August 2015

Irish Aid is currently recruiting a consulting partner to provide technical assistance for Irish Aid civil society support in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lao PDR.

July 2015

Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Exchange Programme (VIBE)

23 July 2015

The Embassy of Ireland is calling for concept notes from Vietnamese Universities and Research Institutes to foster educational co-operation between Ireland and Vietnam.

To further develop the evolving education and research links between Ireland and Vietnam, Irish Aid, through the Irish Embassy in Hanoi, is launching the Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (VIBE) under the Irish Development Experience and Sharing (IDEAS) programme to encourage co-operation between universities and research institutions in Vietnam and Ireland. This will operate on a pilot basis in 2015/16 and, if successful, will be continued in the next Irish Aid Vietnam Programme for the period 2017-2020.

Vacancy Announcement for Receptionist & Administrative Officer

16 July 2015

The Embassy of Ireland in Hanoi, Vietnam is inviting applications from qualified candidates for the position of Receptionist & Administration Officer. This is a locally engaged position.

The Receptionist and Administration Officer will act as a receptionist on a rotational basis, provide administrative support to the Second Secretary and Consular/Visa team and assist the Embassy across the range of activities and services in organising events, translation and liaison with local service providers and partners.

February 2015

Dublin celebrates Vietnamese New Year!

06 February 2015

On 6th February, the Vietnamese IDEAS programme fellows at University College Dublin (UCD) organised a celebration of Vietnamese New Year, also known as Tet, in Dublin. Over 300 guests, including Irish families with adopted Vietnamese children and members of the Vietnamese community in Dublin, came along to celebrate the lunar New Year together with traditional dances and music.

Embassy supports mine clearance efforts in Cambodia

01 February 2015

This February, Head of Development at the Embassy, Ms Nuala O’Brien, visited the HALO Trust’s operations in Otdar Meanchey province to see first-hand the work on mine clearance that Irish Aid supports in Cambodia.

January 2015

Irish pork products imported to Vietnam

21 January 2015

Following the successful negotiation of an agreement on the importation of Irish pork to Vietnam from Ireland, Irish pork products are now beginning to arrive in Vietnam. The first shipments have come in through Agrekepak to Duc Viet, and should be available shortly to consumers.

Vietnam officially opened its market to Irish pigmeat in September 2014, allowing imports of fresh and frozen pigmeat from Ireland. At that time, Minister Coveney welcomed the development, stating that Vietnam was “an important market in South East Asia with good prospects for Irish meat exports both in the short and long term”.