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Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers

Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers

Amongst the groups that receive funding under the Emigrant Support Programme is the Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers (CIIC). Individual CIIC member centres offer a range of immigration-related services and programs based on local needs. If you or your families have queries on the new U.S. immigration measures announced by President Obama on November 20, please contact your nearest centre from the list below. Further information is also available at www.ciic-usa.org.

Irish Immigration Pastoral Center
5340 Geary Blvd., Suite 206
San Francisco, CA 94121
Phone: 415-752-6006
Fax: 415-752-6910
E-mail: info@sfiipc.org

Irish Outreach San Diego
2725 Congress Street 2G
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone: 619-291-1630
Fax: 619-291-2678
E-mail help@irishoutreachsd.org

Chicago Irish Immigrant Support
4626 N. Knox Ave. #308B
Chicago, IL 60630
Tel: 773 282 8445
Fax: 773 282 8446
E-mail: irishoverhere@sbcglobal.net

Irish Student Outreach Center
Pat and Rick Fairbend
Hotline phone: 410-520-0344
Email: oceancityirishoutreach@gmail.com

Irish International Immigration Center
100 Franklin Street, Suite LL-1
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 617-542-7654
Fax: 617-542-7655
E-mail: questions@iiicenter.org

Irish Pastoral Centre
15 Rita Road
Dorchester, MA 02124
Phone: 617-265-5300
Fax: 617-265-5313
E-mail: info@ipcboston.org

Aisling Irish Community Center
990 McLean Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: 914-237-5121
Fax: 914-237-1723
E-mail: orla@aislingcenter.org

Emerald Isle Immigration Center
59-26 Woodside Avenue
Woodside, NY 11377
Phone: 718-478-5502
Fax: 718-446-3727
E-mail: siobhand@eiic.org, jstahl@eiic.org

4275 Katonah Avenue
Bronx, NY 10740
Phone: 718-324-3039
Fax: 718-324-7741
E-mail: lisa@eiic.org

Project Irish Outreach
1011 First Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-371-1011, ext. 2033
Fax: 212-755-1526
E-mail: Talia.Lockspeiser@archny.org

Project Irish Outreach in Yonkers
990 McLean Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10467
Phone: 914-237-5098
E-mail: sr.christine.hennessy@archny.org

New York Irish Center
10-40 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: 718-482-0909
Fax: 718-482-0908
E-mail: info@newyorkirishcenter.org

Irish Immigration Center of Philadelphia
7 South Cedar Lane
Upper Darby, PA 19102
Phone: 610-789-6355
Fax: 610-789-6352
E-mail: info@icphila.org

Ireland Institute of Pittsburgh
425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1410
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 412-394-3900
Fax: 412-394-0502
Email: info@iiofpitt.org

Seattle Irish Immigration Support Group
PO Box 75123
Seattle, WA 98175
Phone: 425-244-5147
Fax: 847-890-7839
Email: james.cummins@frontier.com

Irish Immigrant Service of Milwaukee
The Irish Cultural & Heritage Center of Wisconsin
2133 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: 414-345-8800
Fax: 414-345-8805
E-mail: gleeson@uwm.edu