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Uganda Judiciary and Prosecutorial Officers Travel to Ireland

The Judiciary and Prosecutorial Team in Ireland

In partnership with Trinity College Dublin and the Justice Law and Order Sector, Irish Aid successfully organised and conducted training in Ireland in August 2014. The training involved 7 Judges of the High Court of Uganda and 5 Prosecutors, including 2 officers from the Inspector General of Government.

While appreciating the opportunity, Mr. Wangadya, the Deputy Inspector General of Government warmly recalls that “no amount of words can aptly narrate the story of my experience in Ireland, which is very rich in culture and history”.

He added that the training they had included visitations to major Irish anti-corruption agencies, courts, classroom lectures, a former prison, and various social and cultural sites. He described how the team appreciated the “friendly, polite and extremely generous encounters” they had with the people and the institutions they met.

The training was organised to strengthen the capacity of the Ugandan Judicial and Prosecutorial Officers in the investigation and management of corruption cases. The officers liaised closely with the Irish Courts Service and Parliament, as well as the Prosecution Service, the Ombudsman, the Garda Ombudsman and a number of judges, barristers and other experts with relevant expertise. They also visited the Centre for Criminal Justice at the University of Limerick, and Trinity College Dublin.

Justice Lawrence Gidudu explains how through the experience and the sharing, they identified the need to amend the Ugandan law to provide for the management of property forfeited to the State. If a body were set up to manage such property, including its disposal, this would ensure the Ugandan Government realises the value from seizures and forfeitures. For instance, the current legislation in Uganda does not specify which Government body should handle seizures and forfeitures.

The team acknowledged that the learning exchange and exposure gained through this initiative were excellent and that it enabled them to generate and share ideas with other Senior Judicial and Prosecutorial Officers engaged in the fight against corruption. The team has committed to sharing the learning they gained through the experience with their fellow colleagues, so that they can also benefit.