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2016 News & Events

November 2016

Ireland: 100 Years a Nation with Tale of the Gael: Songs, Story and Music from Dublin

November 18th Basel and November 19th/20th Zurich

Tale of the Gael an internationally known 4 piece Irish group is an unusual mix of classical and traditional musicians who bring the best of both genres to their performance. This lively centenary concert celebrates 100 years of Ireland through a musical and informative focus on Dublin and her music.

June 2016

Celtic Night

4 June 2016

Celtic Night, Saturday 4 June 2016, 7:30pm featuring the Kilfenora Céilí Band.

As part of the "Musig am Zurisse Festival, Celtic Night brings togerther three great formations which display the great diversity of Celtic music. Harmoniemusik Heletia horgen, with over fifty active members. is teaming up with the Zurich Caledonia Pipe Band. The 19-piece Kilfenora Céilí Band is flying in especially from Dublin. The event will take place in Schinzenhof, Horgen.

Further information is available here: http://musigzuerisee.ch/

March 2016

Irish music, song and dance with Conspoid

18 March 2016

Five talented young musicians from Dublin will be performing Irish traditional music in Zurich. They are accomplished musicians and play regularly at concerts and festivals in Ireland and have appeared on Irish radio and television

The concert will take place in on Friday 18 March at 7 p.m. in the hall of Karl der Grosse (beside the Grossmünster) in Zurich.