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Bratislava Feis

Wonderful Irish dancing at Feis in Bratislava, Slovakia

Wonderful Irish dancing at Feis in Bratislava, Slovakia

Ambassador Callan attended the Avalon Academy of Irish Dance Feis in Bratislava on 6 December 2015. The competition was presented by Ms. Adriana Šturdikova of the Avalong Academy of Irish Dance and adjudicated by Ms. Órla Nic Conuladh, Ms. Máire Treacy Dixon and Ms. Bernadette Downey Lanigan, who travelled from Ireland for the event.

The adjudicators had a difficult task as the standard of dance was very high. Competitors of all age groups danced jigs, reels and hornpipes to the music of Mr. Kristian Fisl. Ambassador Callan made a short speech at the event and was presented with a lovely book of drawings featuring Ireland and Irish dancing made by the dancers themselves.