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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Singapore website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/singapore/embassy.

Team Ireland in Singapore

The Embassy works in an Ireland House concept alongside our colleagues from Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland to:

  • Promote Ireland's trade and investment objectives in the ASEAN market
  • Promote Irish culture, heritage and tradition
  • Maintain and enhance our links with Irish communities abroad ‌
  • Embassy Team
  • Irish State Agencies

Embassy Team


Sarah McGrath


Deputy Head of Mission:

Patrick Rooney

Irish State Agencies

Irish State Agencies

The Embassy of Ireland in Singapore works closely with Irish state agencies to promote trade, tourism and inward investment and to deliver growth and jobs at home. The Ambassador chairs the local market team. We can:

  • Support Irish companies who want to find and access new markets and help with resolving commercial difficulties where possible;
  • Provide general advice on doing business locally and, through our network of contacts, pursue export and investment opportunities that will benefit Ireland;
  • Work to secure market access for Irish products in key sectors in high-growth and emerging markets.

Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland are co-located with the Embassy at Ireland House in central Singapore.

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland (EI) is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.

IDA Ireland

Ireland's inward investment promotion agency, IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency) is responsible for attracting and developing foreign investment.

Bord Bia

Bord Bia is the Irish state agency with the aim of promoting sales of Irish food and horticulture both in Ireland and abroad

Business Networks

We also work closely with Irish business networks such as the Irish Chamber of Commerce, Singapore to promote Irish business and economic interests through key contacts and business links.

Connecting with our diaspora

Connecting with the Irish diaspora, including those interested in the Irish connection for enhancing business networks or promoting and maintaining Irish culture in their communities, is a major part of our work in supporting the Irish in Singapore. We’re committed to recognising the efforts of the Irish community in Singapore by engaging with them both practically and strategically.