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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Saudi Arabia website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/riyadh.

Launch of Irish Business Network - Saudi Arabia (IBN-SA)

2015 Committee - Launch of the Irish Business Network - Saudi Arabia (IBN-SA)

Close to 200 hundred people attended the Launch of the Irish Business Network - Saudi Arabia (IBN-SA) at Embassy Riyadh on 2nd June. The special guest on the night was Mr Alastair McGuckian. Alastair McGuckian is the founder and chairman of Masstock who along with his brother Paddy established Almarai, the largest vertically integrated dairy company in the world, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1976. Masstock have for close on 50 years been pioneers in the Agri-Food sector with activities in food, farming and agrichemicals in Africa, Middle East, Far East, Eastern Europe, UK and USA.

The Irish Business Network - Saudi Arabia (IBN-SN) was established in February 2015 by the Irish Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Tony Cotter and a group of Irish business people currently residing in the Kingdom. The aim of the IBN-SA is to provide a platform to allow business people come together on a regular basis and in doing so, support the development of trade and enterprise within Saudi Arabia ad between Ireland and Saudi Arabia. The objectives of the group also include, developing relationships with Saudi businesses, Chambers of Commerce and other Saudi official bodies, in a way that jointly develops business potential.

To achieve its stated objectives, the IBN-SA is committed to hosting regular meetings and events, which will include business breakfasts, dedicated industry gatherings, participation in trade visits and delegations. along with a host of other activities, with the primary focus of promoting trade and enterprise.

Membership to the IBN-SA is open to all Irish business professionals, involved in business or professional activities, residing in Saudi Arabia. Membership is also open to Saudi nationals, employed by an Irish company or a company with Irish interests, operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The IBN-SA website can be accessed at www.ibn-sa.org.