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Ireland’s Top Exporters

The Top 250 Exporters publication, sponsored by Investec, was launched on 22 September by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD. The publication identifies and reviews the leading exporters from Ireland, both North and South. It is an important reference document for all exporters and a key resource for sub-suppliers and service providers within the exporting sector. All the key sectors of the export industry are reviewed, with input from private sector as well as the State promotional agencies. Investec have provided a number of independent reviews on issues that are of vital importance to Ireland’s export sector: Private Equity in Ireland, the impact of low interest rates, and the prospect of a cashless society, an update on the price of oil, and a review of the foreign exchange and equity markets. 

Minister Bruton noted in his remarks that with our recovery providing the platform and strong growth now powering our economy, we should aim realistically for a return to full employment. We have deeply rooted companies driven by exports that are fostering growth throughout the regions.  With two out of three Irish companies investing in technology, we can see how dominant technology is to our top companies and to our economy.

Today, the leading sectors in our export drive are ICT, medical devices, life sciences and high-end food and beverages. As the CEO of the IEA, Simon McKeever, noted in his remarks, ICT accounts for 44% of our exports, Life Sciences 32%, miscellaneous 13% and food and beverages 11%. In his presentation, Investec’s economist Philip O’Sullivan noted that Irish GDP is at an all-time high.  Exports have been growing steadily, year on year.  Moreover, growth in the “traditional” industrial sector is now in double digits.  This, combined with growth unbroken in the last eight quarters, shows the increasing depth of our recovery as we enter a strong growth phase.

Download a copy of the publication.