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European Financial Forum 2016

Minister of State Simon Harris T.D. announces the inaugural European Financial Forum in Dublin Castle on 27 January 2016.

The announcement of the European Financial Forum (EFF) delivers on a key action agreed as part of the new Government strategy for International Financial Services (IFS), IFS2020, with its vision for Ireland to be the recognised global location of choice for specialist financial services, and its key target of creating 10,000 net new jobs over a five-year period. The goal of the EFF is to support the Government in delivering on these goals by showcasing Ireland's IFS offering industry to an international audience and highlighting the Irish Government's commitment to the development of IFS. It is being organised by the IDA, in partnership with the Financial Times, and with the support of other public sector bodies responsible for the delivery of IFS2020, including DFAT, in close consultation with industry representatives.

The format of the event involves a mix of keynote addresses and plenary panel sessions, which are intended to draw prospective participants from overseas, followed by specialist streams in the afternoon, focused on particular areas of strength for Ireland, and serving as an opportunity to showcase the range of IFS activities carried out in Ireland by overseas companies supported by IDA as well as those in the indigenous Enterprise Ireland portfolio.

Further information is available at https://live.ft.com/Events/2016/European-Financial-Forum.