Signs of Memory exhibition at the Russian State Art Library, Moscow, July 2016
Irish artist Aaron Smyth took part in the "Signs of Memory" exhibition at the Russian State Art Library, Moscow, from the 6th to the 25th of July 2016. Signs of Memory explores the phenomenon of memory. There is a part devoted to collective memory represented by original photographs from the Russian State Art Library and works from 8 artists (seven Russian and one Irish), which explore how personal memory can be transformed by the artist's vision.
Aaron Smyth presented a new body of artwork entitled ‘Ecce Puer’. The title comes from a James Joyce poem which laments the death of his father while simultaneously celebrating the birth of his son.
The body of work is investigating the layers that make us up, the overlapping that form our personal and individual identity. The rational for this was the centenary in Ireland this year. This celebration set in motion questions about identity, history, memory and personality.