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Expansion of Ireland-Korea Working Holiday Programme

Ireland and Korea agreed to-day to expand the very successful Working Holiday Programme and increase the number of participants to 600 every year on a reciprocal basis. The revised agreement was signed at the meeting of the Ireland Korea Joint Economic Commission which met to-day in Dublin.

Deputy Min Lee Tae-Ho & DG Trade Éamonn McKee sign extension to annual Ireland-Korea working holiday programme at 6th Joint Economic Commission

Deputy Min Lee Tae-Ho & DG Trade Éamonn McKee sign extension to annual Ireland-Korea working holiday programme at 6th Joint Economic Commission

The Joint Economic Commission also focused on the growing trade relationship between Ireland and Korea which reached €1.8bn in 2015 and it identified opportunities for greater cooperation in areas such as FinTech, Education and Innovation where both countries have much to gain from working together. Over 200 indigenous Irish companies are now exporting to Korea in diverse sectors including Food and Beverage, Engineering, Aviation Services, Life Sciences, ICT, Education and Financial Services.

Ireland’s Ambassador to Korea, Aingeal O’Donoghue welcomed the expansion of the very popular Working Holiday Programme which has seen hundreds of young Koreans visit Ireland every year to experience the country and to learn English. ‘These people to people links are hugely important in building our footprint in a country like Korea and they will form the basis for strengthened relationships into the future’

Embassy of Ireland
14 February 2017