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Statement by Minister Flanagan on Reports of a Nuclear Weapons Test Carried Out by North Korea

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has expressed grave concern about reports that North Korea tested a nuclear explosive device yesterday morning (6 January, 2016). Speaking from New York, he stated:

“I am gravely concerned about reports that North Korea tested a nuclear explosive device yesterday morning (6 January, 2016). This reported test represents a real threat to peace and security in the Korean Peninsula, and the entire North East Asia region, and is a flagrant violation of the DPRK's international obligations not to produce or test nuclear weapons.

“The reported test is also a major challenge to international efforts to advance global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, a longstanding goal of Ireland’s foreign policy. Nuclear weapons are never a means to guarantee peace and security; far from it, they pose the greatest threat of all.

“The reported test draws into sharp focus the urgent need for engagement on nuclear disarmament by all stakeholders. I therefore call on the North Korean authorities to cease all nuclear testing and re-engage with the Six Party Talks on the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, immediately and without pre-conditions.

“I hope this development will strengthen the resolve of the international community to use the timely opportunity presented by the convening of the open-ended working group in Geneva this year to demonstrate our shared commitment to nuclear disarmament.

“Yesterday’s events further highlight the urgency for the immediate entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). As we approach the 20th anniversary of the conclusion of negotiations on the Treaty, I call on the eight remaining states whose ratification is required for the Treaty to enter into force, to do so without delay.”


Press Office

7 January 2016