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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Republic of Korea website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/seoul.


2016 News & Events

October 2016

Irish Revival Week

24 - 29 October 2016

2016 is a special year for Ireland as it marks the centenary fo a key moment of the Irish independence struggle, the 1916 Easter Rising.

Irish Minister visits Aorta aiming to build collaboration in innovation through research, business and alumni networks

5 - 8 October 2016

Minister of State for Training, Skills, and Innovation, John Halligan T.D. will visit Korea from 5-8 October.

September 2016


Alumni Networking Reception: Connecting with Graduates of Ireland in Korea

The first ever alumni networking reception hosted by the Irish Embassy for alumni of all Irish Universities and Higher Education Institutions based in Korea will take place at a central Seoul location on the evening of Thursday 6th October in the company of the Minister of State for Skills, Training and Innovation John Halligan T.D.  Irish, Korean and international graduates are all welcome.

This event will be an opportunity to meet fellow graduates of Irish third-level institutions, possibly reconnect with old friends and classmates, and strengthen the alumni links between Ireland and Korea.

To attend this reception please register with the Embassy by 30 September, full details of the event with an e-invitation reminder will be then sent via email.

Minister Flanagan's Statement on Reports of Testing of Nuclear Explosive by North Korea

9 September 2016

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has expressed grave concern about reports that North Korea tested a nuclear explosive today.

June 2016

Irish Gourmet Week opens in Seoul

The 2nd Irish Gourmet week at Hyundai Department Store was officially opened by the Ambassador of Ireland to the Republic of Korea, Aingeal O’Donoghue. The Irish Gourmet week is sponsored by Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, and runs from June 10th – June 16th.

March 2016

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day 2016

15 - 19 March 2016

There is an exciting week ahead for Irish and Koreans alike as we celebrate St Patrick's Day in Korea.

Statement by Minister Flanagan - the United Nations Security Council of Resolution 2270 on the DPRK

3 March 2016

February 2016

Statement by Ambassador O'Brien, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the Conference on Disarmament, on North Korean rocket launch.

9 February 2016

Statement by Minister Flanagan on North Korea long range rocket launch

07 February 2016

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D., has expressed Ireland's condemnation of this morning's launch by North Korea of a long-range rocket.

January 2016

Statement by Minister Flanagan on Reports of a Nuclear Weapons Test Carried Out by North Korea

07 January 2016

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has expressed grave concern about reports that North Korea tested a nuclear explosive device yesterday morning (6 January, 2016).