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"The Past is a Foreign Country" – Lecture and Reading by Mary Morrisy

19 May, 6 pm

ULICES Research Group 4 – Other English-speaking Literatures and Cultures invites you to attend the Embassy of Ireland Lecture 2016.

Venue: Theatre III, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa 

Mary Morrissy is the author of three novels, Mother of Pearl (1996), The Pretender (2000) and The Rising of Bella Casey (2013), and two collections of stories, A Lazy Eye (1993) and the recently published Prosperity Drive (2016), which has earned her wide acclaim and comparisons to Chekhov and Alice Munro. Her short story “The Gender of Cars” has been translated into Portuguese, “O Género de Carros”, and features in the anthology Contar um Conto (eds. Ana Raquel Fernandes and Mário Semião, 2014).

In 1995 Mary Morrissy was awarded the prestigious US Lannan Award for work “of exceptional quality”. Mother of Pearl, her first novel, was shortlisted for the Whitbread (now Costa) Award, and The Pretender and The Rising of Bella Casey were both nominated for the Dublin Impac International Literary Award.

Mary Morrissy has taught creative writing in the U.S. and Ireland since 2000 and was appointed Lecturer in Creative Writing at University College Cork in 2015.


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Official Flyer: Embassy of Ireland Lecture 2016 "The Past is a Foreign Country" – Lecture and Reading by Mary MorrisyDownload PDF (279KB)