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Doing Business with Ireland

Doing Business with Ireland

The Irish-Polish business relationship is flourishing. Two-way trade was worth over €5.6 billion in 2021. Irish companies increasingly see Poland as an attractive market to invest in and export to, and as a location from which to do business in Central and Eastern Europe. Connectivity is excellent, with some 60 flights each week between Ireland and 11 Polish cities. A successful trade mission was undertaken by 30 Irish businesses to Poland in May 2023 led by Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital, and Company Regulation.

The Embassy works with state agencies to support Irish companies and to promote Ireland's trade and investment objectives. The Embassy shares its office with Enterprise Ireland, the government agency responsible for growing Irish enterprises in world markets, and with Bord Bia, the Irish Food Promotion Board. The Embassy also works with the Irish Polish Chamber of Commerce, a network of companies and individuals working to foster Irish-Polish business relations.

If you are an Irish business interested in expanding to Poland, or wish to make connections with the Irish business community in Poland, please get in touch with us.