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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Poland website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/warsaw.

Team Ireland in Poland

The Embassy works with Irish state agencies to:

  • Promote Ireland's trade and investment objectives
  • Promote Irish exports
  • Promote Irish food, culture, heritage and tradition
  • Promote Ireland as a tourism destination

The Embassy shares our offices with Enterprise Ireland (EI) and Bord Bia. As part of our Team Ireland approach we work closely with state agencies to promote trade, tourism and inward investment, The Ambassador chairs the local market team. We can: 

  • Support Irish companies who want to find and access new markets and help with resolving commercial difficulties where possible
  • Provide general advice on doing business locally and, through our network of contacts, pursue export and investment opportunities that will benefit Ireland
  • Work to secure market access for Irish products in key sectors

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is a national and global organisation. It has a national network of nine regional offices throughout Ireland and over 30 international locations, facilitating access to more than 60 countries worldwide. Enterprise Ireland has an office in Warsaw responsible for the Polish market and for the Baltic States.

Bord Bia & Origin Green

Bord Bia, Ireland’s Food Promotion Board, also has an office in the Embassy. Bord Bia is the state agency responsible for supporting Irish food and drink industry as well as promoting Irish food both in Ireland and abroad. The Warsaw-based regional office is one of 15 overseas branches of the organisation and covers 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The task of the local Bord Bia team is to monitor and analyse the markets, connect Irish food producers with retailers, wholesalers and food services as well as to provide information. Bord Bia is the operator of Origin Green - Ireland’s pioneering food and drink sustainability programme, operating on a national scale, uniting government, the private sector, and the full supply chain from farmers to food producers and right through to the food service and retail sectors. The Origin Green programme was launched in June 2012.

Poznań Honorary Consul

Pan Artur Sikora
Honorary Consul of Ireland
ul. Kramarska 1
61-764 Poznań
Tel: + 48 61 853 1894
Fax: + 48 61 853 1894
E-mail: artur.sikora@honoraryconsul.ie