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Visit by Minister Paschal Donohue T.D.

Visit by Minister Paschal Donohue T.D., Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform. 16-19 March 2017

Ireland's Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr. Paschal Donohue, will visit Japan between 16-19 March.

His visit is in association with events in Japan marking Ireland's national day, St. Patrick's Day, and marks 60 years of diplomatic relations with Japan.

During his stay, Minister Donohue will have meetings with Irish trade and investment partners and make the keynote speech "Ireland's perspective on the future of the EU: Brexit and beyond" at a seminar organised by JETRO.

The Minister is scheduled to meet his Japanese counterpart, Minister Nobuteru Ishihara, Minister for Economic Revitalization; Reform of Social Security and Tax; Economic and Fiscal Policy.

On 17 March, Minister Donohue will address an audience of academic, media and professional contacts at a seminar organised by the EU to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

Minister Donohue will attend a number of community events marking St. Patrick's Day in Japan, a highlight of which will be a reception organised by the Embassy for the Irish Community and friends of Ireland marking the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Japan.

As part of the St. Patrick's Day celebrations, the Minister will officially open the 'I live Ireland Festival' at 1pm on Saturday, 18 March. The festival is an outdoor event in central Tokyo on 18 and 19 March, at which 100,000 people are expected to attend. The 'I Love Ireland Festival' is one of over 20 events held around Japan in March this year including Tokyo's flagship Parade, which is in it's 25th year.

In advance of travelling, Minister Donohue stated: "St. Patrick's Day is a unique occasion for Irish Ministers to support achievements abroad in trade, investment, tourism and education sectors. I am looking forward to visiting Japan, meeting with political and business counterparts as well as members of the thriving Irish community and our many Japanese friends. Japan and Ireland mark an important milestone in their relations this year and it will be an honour to be a part of those events".

Welcoming the visit, the Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, Anne Barrington, said: "St. Patrick's Day is becoming increasingly popular in Japan, and there is no better time to reach out not only to our networks but also to the Japanese population at large and to communicate our key messages, including vital information on Ireland's economy, our place at the heart of the European Union and our openness to trade."

アイルランド経済再生・公共支出改革省パスカル・ドノフー大臣来日. 2017 年3 月16 日~19 日








