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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Japan website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/tokyo.

60th Anniversary Commemorative Lecture


Ireland-Japan 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Book Launch Lecture “Ireland and Japan: 1957-2017"

Concluding a year of successful events and far-reaching engagements with our Japanese partners; the Embassy of Ireland in Tokyo, in conjunction with Waseda University, will hold a special lecture.

Title: “Shared Commitments, Enduring Connections: Charting the history of Irish-Japanese Diplomatic, Cultural and Economic Relations.” *Simultaneous interpretation provided

Date: Tuesday, 5th December, 2017

Time: 18:15 – 19:45 (Doors open at 17:45)

Venue: Okuma Small Auditorium (Okuma Auditorium B1F, Building No.21), Waseda University

Address: 1-104 Totsukacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (MAP)

Speaker: Dr. Michael Kennedy is the Executive Editor of the Documents on Irish Foreign Policy series at the Royal Irish Academy.  He was formerly an adjunct Professor of History at University College Dublin and a member of the Irish Manuscripts Commission. He is a regular commentator on radio and television on modern history and current affairs. Dr. Kennedy’s study, commissioned by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade, charting the history of Irish diplomatic relations with Japan, “Ireland and Japan, 1957-2017: Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Connections”* will be launched at this event.

Second Speaker: Former Japanese Ambassador to Ireland, Mr. Chihiro Atsumi, will provide a short comment following Dr Kennedy’s speech.

Registration (until 27th November) https://goo.gl/QEiNZw

For further  info: https://www.waseda.jp/top/en-news/55030

 *Registration recommended! A copy of the 60th anniversary commemorative publication by Dr. Kennedy, will be provided at the venue to everyone who pre-registers.

*Admission free

Organisers: Embassy of Ireland, Waseda University (Institute for Irish Studies, Intercultural Communication Center, International Office)

Enquiries: International Office, International Affairs Division, Waseda University TEL 03-3203-7747 / E-mail wint-euro@list.waseda.jp

60th Anniversary Commemorative Lecture Flyer

アイルランド-日本外交関係樹立60周年記念講演会 「アイルランドと日本 60年の友好関係を振り返って」開催のお知らせ


テーマ:「アイルランドと日本 60年の友好関係を振り返って」



ロイヤル・アイリッシュ・アカデミー 外交政策文書エグゼクティブ・エディター








日時:12月5日(火)18:15 – 19:45 終了予定 (17:45 開場)

会場:早稲田大学 大隈小講堂(大隈講堂地下1階)







お問い合わせ:早稲田大学国際部国際課 TEL 03-3203-7747 / E-mail wint-euro@list.waseda.jp


Embassy of Ireland


Marking 60 years of Diplomatic Relations with Japan https://www.dfa.ie/60yearsjapan