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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Italy website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/rome.

New to Italy?

If you have recently moved to Italy, it can take some time to adapt to your new surroundings. We have put together some information to help those of you who already live in or intend to move to Italy. Whilst every care has been taken in preparing this information as accurately as possible, the Embassy cannot accept any liability for the information contained here.

Rome, Italy

Living and Working in Italy

Residency and Entry Requirements

In Italy, you are legally obliged to carry some form of photographic identification with you at all times.

Irish citizens, as EU nationals, have the right to live, work and travel in Italy freely for periods of up to three months without having to register with the Italian authorities.

EU citizens do not need to request a permesso di soggiorno (Permit of Stay).

EU Citizens who intend to stay in Italy for periods less than three months can, if they wish, present a dichiarazione di presenza sul territorio nazionale (declaration of presence in Italy) at an Italian police station. However, this is not obligatory.

All EU citizens who stay for longer than three months in Italy are obliged to make a request for a Certificato di Residenza (Residence Certificate) at the Anagrafe office of the local commune. For any stay of less than three months duration, it is not necessary to make such a request.

When requesting a Certificato di Residenza, you will be asked to present documentation showing evidence that you are working, studying or training in Italy or that you have sufficient economic resources to maintain yourself and any dependants. Contact your local Commune for further details.

Accessing Health Care in Italy

European Health Insurance Card

If you are travelling to Italy or intend to move there, you should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before you leave Ireland. As a holder of an EHIC you are entitled to free or low-cost necessary health care in Italy’s public system if you become ill or injured while visiting Italy. Details of how to apply for an EHIC in Ireland can be found on the following website: European Health Insurance Card.

An EHIC will be issued in Ireland only when you are habitually resident in Ireland. If you are habitually resident in Italy and you do not have an EHIC. you should contact your local Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) for information on how to obtain a EHIC issued by the Italian authorities. Contact details for ASLs can be found in local phone books or on http://www.paginegialle.it/

The Department of Foreign Affairs recommends that all travellers arrange private medical or travel insurance for what’s not covered by the EHIC.

Accessing health care when living in Italy

If you are living in Italy on a long-term basis and are paying Italian National Insurance Contributions, you should register with the local Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) and obtain a Tessera Sanitaria which is an Italian-issued EU Health Insurance Card. You can then register with a doctor through the ASL. Contact details for your local ASL can be found in local phone books or on http://www.paginegialle.it/

Those who are not paying Italian National Insurance contributions, such as self-employed or freelance workers, should first register with the local Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale. Further information can be found on this website. If you are neither self-employed or a freelance worker, you should seek guidance from your local ASL.


A codice fiscale is used to identify each individual in his relations with the state. You will certainly need it if you intend to work in Italy but it is, in any case, advisable to obtain one whether you intend to work or not.

In order to obtain one, you should approach your local office of the Agenzia delle Entrate. You will have to present your passport. A codice fiscale can be obtained for newly born children on the presentation of a birth certificate or written declaration by the parents; in the case of children it may be possible to obtain a codice fiscale from the town hall.