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"Writing the Rising" Academic Conference 14-16 January, Rome

“Writing the Rising” is an international, interdisciplinary conference focused on the revolutionary period of Irish history, from 1913 to 1923. It will welcome contributions from historians, literary, theatre, and film critics, and political scientists.

The conference will examine the central importance of the written word both within the 1916 Rising and in its aftermath, firstly as a source of inspiration, then as the container of the main political message of the Rising itself (the Proclamation of the Irish Republic) and later as the principal means of reportage, witness, and critique.

The conference is organised by CRISIS (Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per Studi Irlandesi e Scozzesi) at the Università Roma Tre in association with the Irish Embassy to Italy and the College of Saint Isidore. Confirmed speakers include Professor Roy Foster (Oxford University) and Dr Ben Levitas (Goldsmiths, University of London).

Please see the attached programme for more information.