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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Italy website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/rome.

Tender for Cleaning Contract (2015)

The Embassy of Ireland, Rome, requires the services of a cleaning company to provide professional cleaning services at two locations in central Rome, the Irish Embassy to Italy and the Irish Embassy to the Holy See. 

Tenderers are invited to submit a full proposal, technical and financial to the Embassy by 17.30 hrs time on Monday 23 November 2015. 

Alternatively, tenders may also be submitted electronically via the secure electronic post-box facility available on www.e-tenders.gov.ie (Irish Government procurement web based portal). Tenders are invited subject to the specification set out in the Instructions and should be submitted in English.  

The closing date for electronic submissions to e-Tenders is Monday 23 November 2015 17.30 hrs Irish Time.

Cleaning Contract Tender ITA

Cleaning Contract Tender ENG