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Irish Design 2015 (ID2015)

Irish Design 2015 (ID2015) is a year-long initiative exploring, promoting and celebrating the talent behind Irish design in the island’s first ever global design showcase. Through a programme of events and activities engaging the public, the design community and businesses both in Ireland and internationally, ID2015 aims to highlight the very best of Irish design in order to drive job creation, grow exports and increase competitiveness. For more information on ID2015 please visit www.irishdesign2015.ie

From 14 to 19 of April during Milan Design Week, Irish Design2015 presented its flagship show “Liminal – Irish design at the threshold”.  Showcasing a dynamic selection of work that had not been previously seen or experienced, the exhibition highlighted excellence in design alongside the evolution of the design process.  Liminal featured collaborations between over 20 designers across a diverse range of disciplines, including a mix of both existing and newly commissioned works.  For more information please visit the www.irishdesign2015.ie/liminal/