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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Italy website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/rome.

2014 News & Events

December 2014

Launch of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann in Italy

5 December 2014

To celebrate the opening of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann in Italy, the Embassy hosted a reception and performance of traditional Irish music by renowned Irish musicians Johnny Ringo McDonagh (bodhrán), Harry Bradley (flute) and Jesse Smith (fiddle).

November 2014

Second International Conference on Nutrition

19-21 November 2014

Ireland played a leading role at the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), an inter-governmental meeting held in Rome from November 19th to 21st.

Accademia Euro-Afro-Asiatica

7 November 2014

On 7 November the Ambassador in Rome attended an exhibition and press conference in Rome.

July 2014

Trieste Joyce Summer School

29 June - 5 July 2014

The 18th Joyce Summer School was held Trieste in July 2014. This annual event is a unique opportunity for Joycean scholars and enthusiasts to experenience the work of James Joyce in the beautiful Adriatic city that he lived in for over 15 and where he wrote much of his work including Exiles, Portrait of an Artist and much of Ulyssess.

June 2014

Ireland at the Venice Biennale

5 June 2014

The Embassy, in conjunction with Culture Ireland, hosted a reception in Venice to launch the Irish Pavilion “Infra Éireann – Making Ireland Modern” at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.

Italo-Irish Literature Exchange

4 June 2014

The Embassy hosted a reception on the occasion of the 4th Annual Italo-Irish Literature Exchange. It included readings from 7 Contemporary Irish Authors: Mia Gallagher, Afric McGlinchey, Sean Hardie, Liz McManus, Noel Monahan, Nuala Ní Chonchúir and William Wall.

April 2014

Canonisation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II and visit of Taoiseach Enda Kenny 

27 April 2014

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny visited Rome on the occasion of the Canonisation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.

March 2014

Irish Film Festa Opening

27 March 2014

The 7th Annual Irish Film Festival was held in Rome in 2014. It showcased 10 Irish films and 10 Irish shorts during the four day event and included opportunities for Irish directors, screenwriters and actors to interact with the audience and press. Among invited guests were actors Kate O'Toole, Ciaran Mc Menamin, Bob Quinn, Lelia Doolan, Paul Kennedy, Johnny Gogan, Steph Green.

For more information about the Irish Film Festa please visit www.irishfilmfesta.org

The Irish Film Festa is supported by the Embassy of Ireland, the Irish Film Board and Culture Ireland.

Meet Ireland on Screen

27 March 2014

“Meet Ireland on Screen” was a workshop dedicated to opportunities for collaboration between Italy and Ireland within the audiovisual industry, organized by Enterprise Ireland in partnership with Irish Film Festa and in association with the Irish Film Board.

Enterprise Ireland Media and Entertainment Networking Reception

26 March 2014

The Embassy hosted a reception in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland for Irish and Italian companies working in the Film Industy and related audiovisional sector.

St. Patrick’s Day Reception at the Embassy of Ireland

17 March 2014

The Embassy held its Annual Reception to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the Embassy of Ireland.

February 2014

James Joyce Graduate Conference in Rome

5-7 February 2014

The James Joyce Foundation in Italy held its 8th Annual James Joyce Graduate Conference in Rome at the Università Roma Tre.

January 2014

Seamus Heaney Celebration Evening

11 January 2014

The Embassy held an evening of poetry in celebration of the life and poetry of Nobel Prize Winning Poet Seamus Heaney with readings from two outstanding Irish stage talents: Fiona Shaw and Patrick O’Kane.