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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Hungary website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/budapest.

2016 News & Events

December 2016

23 December 2016

Embassy Bursary Programme 2017 – Call for Applications

The Embassy of Ireland in Budapest is pleased to invite applications for our annual Embassy Bursary Programme, to study or undertake research in Ireland in summer 2017.

October 2016

18 October 2016

Embassy of Ireland Hungary invites applications for the position of Driver/Administrative Assistant.

The Embassy of Ireland in Hungary invites applications for the position of Driver/Administrative Assistant.

The successful candidate will work as part of the Embassy team to ensure an efficient service for the Ambassador and Embassy staff.

September 2016

02 September 2016

Ambassador's speech - Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary

Ambassador's speech "Remembering and Commemorating the Easter Rising of 1916" given at Irish Easter Rising Conference, KRE Budapest.
Ambassador Kelly spoke at the opening plenary session of the Irish Easter Rising Conference at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary. The conference took place on 2-3 September and examined Ireland's development from the 1916 Rising through to the Good Friday Agreement and reconciliation in Northern Ireland.

June 2016

27 June 2016

Budapest Pride Festival 2016

The Embassy of Ireland in Budapest is proud to support the Budapest Pride Festival 2016.

January 2016

18 January 2016

Bursary Programme 2016 – Study in Ireland this summer

Are you interested in attending a summer school or doing research in Ireland this summer? Have you already completed studies on at least one Irish subject in your studies so far? For more details about eligibility and how to apply, please see the details and how to apply.