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Ambassador attends the Athens International Film Festival

Ambassador Noel Kilkenny and his wife, Hanora, attended the Athens International Film Festival, which screened 3 Irish Films at this year’s event:

  • Last Days of Peter Bergmann
  • The Canal
  • Gold

Athens International Film Festival

The festival, which is the biggest film festival in Athens, saw large crowds attend the Irish productions. We were delighted that the directors of all three films could travel to Athens for the screenings. Ciaran Cassidy (Last Days of Peter Bergmann), Niall Heery (Gold) and Ivan Kavanagh (The Canal) attended the movies and answered questions. All were supported by the Embassy of Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Ambassador Kilkenny hosted a reception after one of the screenings in the rooftop bar of BIOS arts space. The reception, hosted with Jameson Irish Whiskey, was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.

That Irish film had such a significant impact at the 2014 Festival is a testament to the quality of the films and the excellent sensibility of the Greek movie going public.