Lá Fhéile Bríde – Ag Ceiliúradh Cruthaitheachta na mBan
St. Brigid’s Day – Celebrating the Creativity of Women
Embassy London will be marking Lá Fhéile Bríde 2018 by hosting an event on February 1st to celebrate the creativity of women. We will open up the Embassy and use our space as a beautiful backdrop for this celebration.
The event will celebrate the enormous contribution and talent of women in such diverse fields as music, film, comedy, architecture, poetry, literature, fashion, art, history, animation, business & entrepreneurship, science & research and technology.
St Brigid of Kildare (c. 451 – 525) is one of Ireland's patron saints, along with Patrick and Columba. The saint shares her name with the Celtic goddess Brigid, and there are many legends and folk customs associated with her. Some scholars suggest that the saint is a Christianisation of the revered fertility goddess, others that she was a real person whose mythos took on the goddess's attributes.
St Brigid’s Feast Day was originally a pagan festival called Imbolc, marking the beginning of spring. After a long dark winter, February 1st, Lá Fhéile Bhríde, celebrates the arrival of longer, warmer days and the early signs of spring. In the pagan tradition, this day also celebrates Brigid's divine femininity.
Further details to follow