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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Estonia website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/tallinn.

St. Patrick's Day events in Tallinn

17 March - St Patrick's Day reception followed by a concert at the House of Blackheads, Tallinn (with invitations only)

19 March, 19:30 - Irish Estonian Business Network's St Patrick's Day Ball at the House of Blackheads, Tallinn. More information and tickets are available at www.iebn.org.

20 March, 17:00 - folk music concert at Kloostry Ait by Néillidh Ó Maolagáin with son and daughter Caoimhe. More information available at https://www.facebook.com/kloostriait/

26 March, 19:00 - semi-classical music concert with sopran Sarah Brady, violinist Christopher Quaid, pianist Jun Zhao, pianist Marianne Laumets. Tickets and more information available at http://www.mustpeademaja.ee/events/st-patricks-day-concert/?lang=en