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Ministerial Visit by Seán Sherlock

Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North South Co-operation Seán Sherlock visited Tallinn.

Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North South Co-operation Seán Sherlock visited Tallinn

Mr Seán Sherlock, TD, Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Co-operation at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, was on a two-day visit to Estonia on 10-11 June, during which he met with members of Estonian Parliament, representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, visited e-Estonia Showroom, met with Enterprise Estonia, and members of Irish-Estonian Business Network and local Irish community.

His visit overlapped with Enterprise Ireland's first Market Study Visit to Estonia and Minister Sherlock also gave opening remarks at the Digital Marketing Workshop organised by the new Irish-Estonian Business Network.

Speaking at the Workshop, Minister Sherlock said: "I have had the opportunity to meet companies participating in the market study visit, local Irish members of the IEBN, and to see first hand Estonia's strengths in the digital sphere. There is great potential for collaboration between Irish and Estonian companies across a range of sectors, and this is something I know Enterprise Ireland, the IEBN, and our Ambassador in Tallinn, H.E. Frank Flood, would warmly welcome."