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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Egypt website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/cairo.

The Embassy

  • Embassy Team
  • Directions
  • Opening Hours
  • Closure Dates

Embassy Team


Nuala O'Brien

Deputy Head of Mission:

Emma Hickey


Grace Earley


The Embassy address is18 Hassan Sabry Street, 11211 Zamalek, Cairo

Main Telephone: +202 27287100

Consular Services: +202 27287115

Hassan Sabry Street connects Gezira Street to 26th of July Street.

Directions and Google Map.

Opening Hours

Public Office:

Sunday to Thursday, 09:00-15:00

Telephone hours:

Sunday to Thursday, 09:00-15:00

Visa Queries:

Important Update: From 27 March 2022, all visa queries and applications should be made through VFS Egypt. 

For any queries in relation to visas for Ireland, or to book an appointment to submit your visa application please see below details:

VFS Website for Ireland in Egypt: https://visa.vfsglobal.com/egy/en/irl

Visa Appointment link: https://visa.vfsglobal.com/egy/en/irl/book-an-appointment

Ireland Call Centre Number: +2 02 2160 0051

Ireland Call Centre Email: info.IrelandEgypt@vfshelpline.com

Consular/ Passport Queries

In order to apply for an Irish passport or to avail of any other consular service offered by the Embassy you need to make an appointment. To do so, please contact us by email via the "Contact Us" section of our website:

Consular Queries - Department of Foreign Affairs (dfa.ie)

Closure Dates

The Embassy of Ireland in Cairo will be closed on the following days in 2023:

New Year’s Day                                                        Sun 1 January 2023

Coptic Christmas                                                      Sun 08 January 2023

Revolution Day 25th January                                     Thu 26 January 2023

St Patrick's Day                                                        Sun 19 March 2023

Easter Sunday                                                          Sun 9 April 2023

Coptic Easter Sunday                                                Sun 16 April 2022

Sham Ennesim                                                         Mon 17 April 2022

Eid Al Fitr  (23 – 25 April)                                         Sun 23 April 2023            

 Eid Al Fitr  (23 – 25 April)                                        Mon 24 April 2023          

Eid Al Fitr  (23 – 25 April)                                         Tues 25 April 2023  
Eid Al Adha (28 June - 2 July)                                   Wed 28 June 2023                    

Eid Al Adha (28 June - 2 July)                                   Thu 29 June 2023            

Eid Al Adha (28 June - 2 July)                                   Sun 2 July 2023             

Revolution Day (23 July)                                           Sun 23 July 2023       

Prophet's Birthday                                                    Thu 28 Sep 2023

Armed Forces Day (6 Oct)                                          Sun 01 Oct 2023

Christmas Day                                                          Mon 25 Dec 2023

St. Stephen's Day                                                    Tues 26 Dec 2023

Please note the above dates are subject to change. 


Out of hours Emergency Contact Details

If you are an Irish citizen and in need of emergency assistance outside of normal office hours, then you can contact us on the following emergency number: +20 1274443942

Alternatively, the Duty Officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs can be contacted at +353 1 408 2000.


Out of hours Emergency Contact Details

If you are an Irish citizen and in need of emergency assistance outside of normal office hours, then you can contact us on the following emergency number: +20 1274443942

Alternatively, the Duty Officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs can be contacted at +353 1 408 2000.