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Department of Foreign Affairs
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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Denmark website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/copenhagen.

Supporting Documents

Your checklist will tell you exactly what supporting documentation you'll need for your application, which may include:

  • Your original long-form birth certificate
  • Marriage and Death certificate of your previous spouse, if widowed
  • Petition and final decree of your divorce, if divorced
  • A photocopy of your current Irish passport
  • Your original naturalisation certification, if naturalised

Translating your documents

You'll need to submit certified translations of any of these documents, if the originals are in a language other than English or Irish.

Getting replacement documents

We need original documents (except for the photocopy of your passport) to process your application.

Getting your documents back

We will return all your original documents to you after we inspect them.


If you haven't included all the necessary documents, your application will be returned to you.