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Special requirements for Researchers / Academics - Long Stay

Employment (Scientific Researcher) – Hosting Agreement required 

The visa applicant must submit a valid Hosting Agreement with the Irish third-level institution in respect of him/her. A person can stay for up to 5 years on an Employment(Scientific Researcher) permission, provided they he/she complies with the terms of their Hosting Agreement and immigration registration requirements. Family members of researchers on Hosting Agreements may apply for join family visas.

Further details on how to apply: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Researchers

Holders of long-stay 'D' category visas must register with immigration within 90 days of arrival in the State. We recommend that you book your registration appointment on-line before you travel to Ireland: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/registration

The dependant/civil partner/spouse of a researcher on a Hosting Agreement has the possibility to seek an Employment Permit in the State. Further details: https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Workplace-and-Skills/Employment-Permits/Permit-Types/Dependant-Partner-Spouse-Employment-Permit/

Visiting Academic

A visa can only be processed for a visiting academic if he/she has made a successful application to INIS Residence Division in Dublin for Stamp 0 permission before submitting their visa application. A copy of the Letter of Approval issued by INIS under this Scheme must be included as a supporting document when applying for a visa. The maximum period of residence allowed for a visiting academic is 9 months. Family members of visiting academic visa holders are not eligible to apply for join family visas. A processing time of 2 to 3 months should be allowed for the processing of Stamp 0 permission.

Further details on how to apply: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/registration-work-academic

You are advised to email the Visiting Academic team in Dublin for further information in advance of submitting your application for visiting academic permission: unit2residencedivision@justice.ie

Holders of long-stay 'D' category visas must register with immigration within 90 days of arrival in the State. We recommend that you book your registration appointment on-line before you travel to Ireland: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/registration

Atypical Working Scheme

Researchers/academics, who are funded but do not possess an Irish Employment Permit or Hosting Agreement, may apply for an atypical permission to stay in Ireland. This permission can only be granted for a stay of up to 12 months. A copy of the Letter of approval issued by INIS under this Scheme must be included as a supporting document when applying for an entry visa. Family members of atypical working permission holders are not eligible to apply for join family visas. Please allow for a processing time of at least 20 working days for atypical permission.

Further details on how to apply: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/atypical-working-general

You are advised to email the atypical permission team in Dublin for further information in advance of submitting your application for an atypical permission: atypicalworkingscheme@justice.ie

Holders of long-stay 'D' category visas must register with immigration within 90 days of arrival in the State. We recommend that you book your registration appointment on-line before you travel to Ireland: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/registration