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Minister Murphy visit

Minister Murphy

The Irish Minister with responsibility for Financial Services at the Department of Finance, Mr. Eoghan Murphy T.D. recently visited Beijing.  Accompanied by senior officials of the Department of Finance, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Ireland's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China, H.E. Mr. Paul Kavanagh, Minister Murphy met with senior interlocutors at the Chinese Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China and other Chinese business entities.

Minister Murphy also used the occasion of his visit to Beijing to advertise and highlight Ireland's IFS2020 Strategy, delivering keynote addresses on the strategy at a high level business luncheon and at a seminar jointly hosted by Irish Funds and the Asset Management Agency of China (AMAC).

Before departing Beijing, Minister Murphy met with Mr. Jin Liqun, President of the Asian infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) at the bank's secretariat. During that meeting, Minister Murphy was briefed on the bank's substantive progress in its inaugural year and the Minister expressed his appreciation for President Jin having agreed to deliver a keynote address at the 2017 European Financial Forum in Dublin.