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Irish participation at the China Horse Fair in Beijing

Ambassador Kavanagh was the keynote speaker at the Irish pavilion event during the China Horse Fair in Beijing on October 14th. This was the second year that Irish agencies and companies participated at the Fair.

Irish Ambassador Paul Kavanagh together with President Jia Youling of the China Horse Industry Association and Irish VIP guests who were attending the 2015 Beijing International horse Show.

The Ambassador spoke to an audience of some 100 people sharing with them the benefits of partnering with the Irish equine industry and afterwards visited the Irish companies and agencies attending the Fair. A copy of his remarks can be viewed here.

Irish Thoroughbred Marketing, Horse Sport Ireland and Enterprise Ireland were available to speak to Chinese buyers and several Irish companies also participated. More information on Ireland's participation and the event can be found by clicking the relevant links.

On the second day of the Fair, Ambassador Kavanagh attended a dinner and met with President Jia Youling of the China Horse Industry Association and other participants involved in the 2015 Beijing International Horse Show.

Irish Ambassador Paul Kavanagh and Enterprise Ireland China Director David Byrne together with Ms Elaine Hatton of Horse Sport Ireland, Charles O'Neill of Irish Thoroughbred Marketing and other members of the visiting Irish delegation at the Irish pavilion.

Media Coverage of the event can be viewed at the following web and social media sites.