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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, China website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/beijing.

Chieftains in China 17-18 November 2015

The Chieftains are back in China after over 30 years!

Chieftains in China

The six times Grammy winners and High Kings of Irish music are visiting Beijing with their 12 piece bank playing 17 November at the spectacular Forbidden City Concert Hall.

The band will then travel to Shanghai to play the Shanghai Symphony Hall on 18 November.

Tickets for the Beijing Concert are now on sale at www.fcchbj.com/ticket/2058. Please find all the details on how to purchase tickets in the attached document.

The events are being organised by the Embassy of Ireland in Beijing, the Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai, together with the support of Wyeth Nutrition and Culture Ireland.