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Consent for Children

The consent of all guardians is required for all children under 18 years of age, unless the child is married. Guardianship should not be confused with custody which involves the day to day caring of the child.

Parents/guardians must:

  • Complete applicant’s name
  • Fill in own name, address and phone number
  • Sign in the presence of a listed witness (same as the Section 9 witness list)

The witness must:

  • Complete, sign, date and stamp Section 7, including a work landline telephone number - mobile telephone numbers are not acceptable
  • Sign each column separately if they witness both parents/guardians' signatures

If the witness does not have an official seal/stamp, please submit their business card/ a copy of their membership card for their profession’s governing body/ other confirmation from their profession’s governing body that they are a practising member of their profession.